The Difficulty of Waiting on the Lord

One of the hardest things to do as a Christian is to wait on the Lord. We want what we want and we want it now. We don't always trust him during this waiting period.

In 1 Samuel 16, David is anointed king of Israel. But he doesn't become king after that. He continues to be a shepherd.

Then he defeats Goliath, champion of Israel. He’s still not the king of Israel.

He becomes Saul's servant, who then decides he wants to kill him, and David has to flee for his life. He’s not getting closer to being the king.

You see, God is not idle during this time. He is molding David and preparing him for what is to come.

IIf David wasn't a shepherd still, he wouldn't have learned how to lead a flock and protect his people.

If he had never defeated Goliath, he wouldn't have known what it was like to be the champion of the people.

If he didn't become a servant, he wouldn't know what it's like to serve and be humble truly.

If he didn't flee for his life, he wouldn't know how to trust in the Word of God to be fulfilled.

God is never idle during our waiting period. He's molding you and preparing you for what blessings will come to pass. He's not a liar. His Word is going to come true.

So if He says He's going to give you something, the promise will occur. While we are waiting, He is preparing us for best outcome.

Maybe you're not ready, but we just have to trust in Him that He knows what He’s doing. Trust in God. His Word will come to fulfillment.


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