Just Die Dad!

And He said, “A man had two sons. 12 The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the estate that is coming to me.’ And so he divided his wealth between them.

 – Luke 15:11-12

DAD WHY DON’T YOU JUST DIE!!! The story of the prodigal son is one of the most recognizable stories that we read in the Bible. The younger of two brothers asks his father for his inheritance, of that which is owed to him when the father is no longer alive. In other words, the son says, “dad I wish you were dead” or “I wish you would die”. The father who is the mirror image of God does not say no to his son, rather he gives him what would have been given to him once he passed. This painful response exemplifies our heavenly Father's love for us. He loves us so much that even when we decide to leave Him and pursue things that can cause us harm, he allows for us to go. He allows his children to choose things other than Himself. The Father, although knowing the pain that awaits outside of his care, allows His children to rebel. He is ever patient, waiting for us to come back to our senses and come home. There is nothing worse that can happen to a person than losing one’s identity in the Father, rebelling, and leaving His care.


Come To Your Senses!


Get Out There!